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lundi 16 janvier 2017

gold recovery on electronique equipement


cellphone , computer , are the most important equipement of our days , helpful they make the life easy and fast treat of the information 

but , the question to ask  : is it truth to recover the gold from those electronic equipement ?

the answer is : yes 

the process is long and very dangerous , they use some very dangerous acids and you should be patient to get a result

the process we can resume it on the steps above :

1- collect the parts of the computer and the cellphones who contains the gold. the gold have some electric and conductivity properties  allows him to be used on the electronic circuit and give to the circuit a long life ; here some pictures of the parts contains the massive gold ;


( pins connectors , CPU,MLCC ,ect)

2 - next we put all of the collected parts in the aqua regia

Aqua regia  is a mixture of nitric acid and hydrochloric acid, optimally in a molar ratio of 1:3. Aqua regia is a yellow-orange fuming liquid. Aqua regia was so named by alchemists because it can dissolve the noble metals gold and platinum. 

smoke of the chemical reaction :

put all componants in bath of aqua regia , let it dissolve slowly , be careful , the smoke result from the reaction it's very dangerous use some protection 

3- in the end of the reaction when the smoke disappear , we filter the solution to get pouder of the gold ;

here some videos of gold recovery :



jeudi 23 juin 2016



in this tutorial we show you some special effect that every one want in his videos. 

using SONY VEGAS PRO , we give you the way to get an type writer effect on your video , for this 

case we use to different methods:

  1. key frame 
  2. the masks

this is the video of  the tutorial below :

if you want to see the video on our youtube channel :  click here


censured in vegas , logo on vegas , VPN shield ,subscribe to the channel  , follow us on facebook page  ,time line appear  , Bumper ads youtube

mercredi 27 avril 2016

Bumper (broadcasting)

Bumper ads On Youtube

 A commercial bumper, ident bumper or break-bumper (often shortened to bump) is a brief announcement, the lenght of is betwen 5s to 10s ,placed as a break on the video of youtube and can contain voice over .

this new way to advertise from youtube , can make viewers unhappy because they can't skip the ads ,and certainly who they use ads blockers .

 In the same times it's a good way for advertisers and publishers  to get profits ,but advertisers don't like  the short lenght of the bumpers ads and push them on to create new ways to adverts, create ads that can be loved by viewers . 

so youtube by this way try to make profits for all users  .

see the video of  Bumper ads:

 to see the video on our channel : Direct link 

vendredi 8 avril 2016

lesson sony vegas : time effect


often, we edit videos and we want to show some details to audience which are important , but the playback speed don't allow as to see very well and all details .

so today , here is the trick to stop time playing in any video as you do a shot and zoom in and out (see the article zoom in/out)

here are the importantes steps to proceed:

after you chose the frame you want to stop time in 
  1. click (S) on the keyboard to split the video
  2. insert enveloppe velocity in the second part of the video
  3. change the value of velocity to 0%
  4. split again and remove enveloppe velocity
  5. now make zoom in/ out in the stopped time frame

the tutorial video:

to see the video youtube channel : direct link


lundi 4 avril 2016

lesson sony vegas :rain effect


here is a tutorial with a great idea , now it's possible to make it raining on a video wich is originaly  sunny time .for this we use noises texture of sony vegas pro , some changes to the value and the setting and here we go with raining time:

  1. insert a starry sky ( ciel etoilée) from media generator / sony noise texture 
  2. modify the color of the stars and the transparency of the noise(make it transparente)
  3. increase frequency X , decrease Y
  4. increase off set X,Y
  5. make animation on pregress in the offset ( creat key frame (initial position ),second in the end with a different value of progress)
 see the video how to animate the progress 

The tutorial  here :

to see the video youtube channel : direct link

jeudi 31 mars 2016

lesson sony vegas : noise texture

Problem Noise Texture Starry Sky Fixed  


most of people using sony vegas and specialy the noise texture  of starry sky  say , they can't animate noise using the time line for , cause it's not appear on the panal of the noise texture .
sony vegas it's a completed software and it have a multiple option so to animate anything in your video or something that you add on the video , and you don't have a time line for this . the tutorial below show the hiden option for this case and how you resolve your problem animation in the affect rain add.

the tutorial :

to see the video youtube channel : direct link


censured in vegas , logo on vegas , VPN shield ,subscribe to the channel  , follow us on facebook page